# File storage
You can also store and read files with Python steps. This means you can upload photos, retrieve datasets, accept files from an HTTP request and more.
The /tmp
directory is accessible from your workflow steps for saving and retrieving files.
You have full access to read and write both files in /tmp
# Writing a file to /tmp
import requests
# Download the Python logo
r = requests.get('https://www.python.org/static/img/python-logo@2x.png')
# Create a new file python-logo.png in the /tmp/data directory
with open('/tmp/python-logo.png', 'wb') as f:
# Save the content of the HTTP response into the file
Now /tmp/python-logo.png
holds the official Python logo.
# Reading a file from /tmp
You can also open files you have previously stored in the /tmp
directory. Let's open the python-logo.png
import os
with open('/tmp/python-logo.png') as f:
# Store the contents of the file into a variable
file_data = f.read()
# Listing files in /tmp
If you need to check what files are currently in /tmp
you can list them and print the results to the Logs section of Results:
import os
# Prints the files in the tmp directory
# /tmp
The /tmp
directory can store up to 2GB of storage. Also the storage may be wiped or may not exist between workflow executions.
To avoid errors, assume that the /tmp
directory is empty between workflow runs. Please refer to the disk limits for details.